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Phi Lamda Sigma Membership

Hello ACP Family!

Phi Lamda Sigma is now accepting applications for membership! Phi Lamda Sigma is an organization that holds leadership within pharmacy in the highest regard. Pharmaceutical leadership at the student level has a large impact on the profession as a whole.

Membership is available to the classes of 2017 and 2018. Up to 20% and 5% of the Class of 2018 and Class of 2017, respectively, will be considered, as well as 2 faculty members. To be eligible for consideration the following criteria must be met:

1. 2.5 minimum GPA

2. Completed first academic year in the college's Pharm.D. Program.

3. Nominated by current Phi Lambda Sigma member.

If you would like to be nominated, contact a current member to nominate you! Applications will be emailed to nominated individuals. All applications should be completed by March 13, 2017. Applications will be reviewed and chosen members will be announced at the ACP Awards Banquet on April 20, 2017.

We so look forward to your applications!!

Who We Are

Mission Statement:

To support pharmacy leadership commitment by recognizing leaders and fostering leadership development. 


  • Ensure the continuing availability of student and practitioner leaders for the professsion of pharmacy. 

  • Acknowldge leadership achievement and award membership to leaders recommended by the Society. 

  • Enhance the talent, skill, and effectiveness of leaders for the profession of pharmacy. 

  • Support and encourage sustained leadership commitment. 

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